2011年11月4日 星期五

[開機工具]使用 GRUB 載入Winsows 7 ISO檔遇到的錯誤訊息


Error 60: File for drive emulation must be in one contiguous disk area

特別的是,一樣的方法,Windows XP 的 ISO 檔可以正常載入,但 Windows 7 卻不行。
在網路上爬了一下文,發現似乎是 Windows 7 跟 Vista 的 ISO 都不支援的樣子。

I have done everything on this tutorial and it works nice with linux, but I also wanted to add a windows 7 installation!
I copied the ISO file to the USB and added this to the menu.lst
title Windows 7
find –set-root /windows7.iso
map /windows7.iso (hd32)
map –hook
root (hd32)
chainloader (hd32)
When I tried to install, it first seemd to work fine, the installation started up, but when it comes to the part where you can select wich drive to install to, it´s empty! Then I get a error message saying: “A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing. If you have a driverfloppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive, please insert it now.”
I would appreciate if anyone could shed some light over this!
  • Feras says:
    Extract files of Windows 7 and put it on the root disk flash disk
    Then added this to the menu.lst
    title Windows 7 ultimate
    find –set-root /bootmgr
    chainloader /bootmgr
    It is Working 100% with Hiren’s BootCD
 zappa79 says:

